Kobido -
Face Massage
How Are Face Massages Good For Me?
Regular facial massage helps smooth facial skin, prevents wrinkles and reduces existing ones and firms the skin by improving its blood circulation.
On the face, like on other parts of the body, there are muscles, skin and blood vessels located in it. In the case of muscles located in other areas of the body, massage and exercise give great relaxing and body shaping effects, if performed properly and regularly. Why, then, wouldn't face massage give similar effects? Regular kneading, tapping and bending the face as recommended by experts gives extraordinary rejuvenating effects and improves the condition of the face skin. With age, collagen production in the skin decreases, which results in slackening and wrinkles as well as so-called crow's feet. Facial massage stimulates the deep layers of the skin, including the muscles under it, which visibly helps to improve the face oval and firm the skin. In the skin of the face, as in the skin on other parts of the body, there are also blood vessels. A skillfully performed facial massage stimulates blood circulation in this area, which automatically results in oxygenation of the skin and improvement of its condition. Daily facial massage not only helps oxygenate and nourish facial skin, but also supports and strengthens facial muscles that are not used too often, and - thanks to improved skin blood supply - removes lymphatic stasis and toxins formed in metabolic processes and due to facial skin exposure to adverse environmental factors (for example, air pollution). Facial massage is also a serious energy boost for the skin, which will stimulate it to increase collagen and elastin production.
When Are Face Massages Not A Good Choice?
Facial massage works great in most cases, but there are situations when you should refrain from it. These include inflammation of the facial skin, acne, especially purulent lesions, herpes, inflammation of the gums, mouth and throat (especially tonsils), enlarged lymph nodes and fever. Facial massage is also not recommended during infections and colds.​
About Kobido massage
Masaż Kobido nazywany jest niechirurgicznym liftingiem twarzy. To manualny, bardzo intensywny zabieg, który dziaÅ‚a na gÅ‚Ä™bokie struktury skóry, pozytywnie wpÅ‚ywa na wyglÄ…d skóry oraz na caÅ‚y organizm. Jego korzenie wywodzÄ… siÄ™ z techniki medycznego masażu ze wschodniej Azji oraz tradycyjnego masażu japoÅ„skiego. Efekty po wykonaniu masażu Kobido
Niweluje napiÄ™cia mięśni twarzy, które powodujÄ… powstawanie zmarszczek mimicznych,
DziÄ™ki pracy na gÅ‚Ä™bokich strukturach mięśni, zmniejsza widoczne efekty starzenia siÄ™ skóry, zapobiega ich pogÅ‚Ä™bianiu,
Stymuluje metabolizm komórkowy, przyczyniajÄ…c siÄ™ do szybszej regeneracji skóry,
Wpływa na zwiększenie produkcji kolagenu i elastyny,
Poprawia krążenie krwi oraz limfy, dziÄ™ki czemu polepsza siÄ™ koloryt skóry,
Zmniejsza napięcia w okolicy szyi, klatki piersiowej oraz owalu twarzy,
Wolne ruchy pozwalają wprowadzić klienta w stan głębokiego relaksu, zmniejszyć poziom stresu,
Zmniejsza efekty bruksizmu,
Pomaga niwelować bóle gÅ‚owy oraz sztywność mięśni twarzy.